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Volpan Fakemon



Electric Red Panda Pokemon :D

Just a fakemon that I made for fun, cuz I wanted a Red Panda pokemon and none exists. It glows when it charges up an attack. In this case, a THUNDER PUNCH.

Finished this a while back. This took me at least a week. Need to practice coloring faster D: Not sure about the smoothness of the coloring, needs to be messier. I like how the lightning came out. xD Oh yeah, and time for obligatory pokemon fact. :0

Volpan contains enough energy to reawaken a hundred comatose patients. Oh and it can light up a city block on its own too.

Don't mind my signature. I have another place with that name and I just didnt feel right having two different signatures on the same pic. Wish I could change my dA name (again..)

Volpan belongs to Me.
Drawn by Me.
Image size
1105x947px 906.11 KB
© 2010 - 2024 silverava
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This is the original "Revival Blessing" fakemon long before the move was a thing.

It looks like it's electric/fighting.